Manga Title Liar Game
Author / Artist: Kaitani Shinobu
Released: 2005
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen
Nao Kanzaki, a young woman honest to a fault, receives a package containing 100 million yen and is forced to participate in the first round of the elusive "Liar Game", where she must protect the sum she received for a period of one month with the risk of suffering a large debt is she fails.
Author / Artist: Kaitani Shinobu
Released: 2005
Genre: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Seinen
Nao Kanzaki, a young woman honest to a fault, receives a package containing 100 million yen and is forced to participate in the first round of the elusive "Liar Game", where she must protect the sum she received for a period of one month with the risk of suffering a large debt is she fails.
However, she is tricked by her opponent who manages to steal the entire sum from her. With the help of Shinichi Akiyama, a famous swindler who recently was released from jail, she manages to get the money back, but by showing mercy to the same man who deceived her, she is forced to participate in the next round of the Liar Game.