[Book Review] A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) by Kate Khavari

A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery, #1)A Botanist's Guide to Parties and Poisons (Saffron Everleigh Mystery #1) by Kate Khavari
Format: 262 pages, Audiobook by Storytel, English edition
Narrator: Jodie Harris
First published June 7, 2022
My rating: 5 of 5 stars


London, 1923. Newly minted research assistant Saffron Everleigh is the first woman to hold the position at University College of London. When she attends a dinner party for the school, she expects to engage in conversations about the university's large expedition to the Amazon. What she doesn’t expect is for Mrs. Henry, one of the professors’ wives, to drop to the floor, poisoned by an unknown toxin.

Dr. Maxwell, Saffron’s mentor, is the main suspect, and evidence quickly mounts. Joined by flirtatious fellow researcher Alexander Ashton, Saffron uses her knowledge of botany as she explores steamy greenhouses, dark gardens, and deadly poisons to clear Maxwell's name.

Will she be able to uncover the truth, or will her investigation land her on the murderer’s list?

In this entertaining examination of society’s expectations, debut author Kate Khavari deftly sheds a light on the struggles of women in a male-dominated field, wrapped in mystery and murder.

My Review:

Cute, thrilling, witty scientist couple, love it!

Saffron and Alexander are so cute! They are the best scientist couples trying to solve a case with their knowledge in botany and biology.
Saffron adalah nama bunga yang sering dijadikan wangi parfum, sangat cocok dengan nama karakter utama yang seorang botanis. Nama itu juga diberikan oleh ayahnya yang seorang profesor di bidang botani, walaupun si anak masih belum mencapai tingkat yang setara dengan ayahnya. Hal ini mungkin karena dia wanita. Tapi dia wanita yang berpendidikan tinggi, seorang asisten profesor juga, yang mungkin justru membuat posisinya agak sulit pada jaman itu. Seorang wanita berpendidikan tinggi lajang jenjang karirnya sering dihambat oleh koleganya sendiri di universitas. Menyebalkan sekali.

Karena itulah mungkin dia mulai banyak menyelidiki hal-hal aneh, terutama yang berkaitan dengan tanaman-tanaman beracun. Kemudian dia bertemu dengan Alexander, yang ternyata murid ayahnya. Lucu banget! Mungkin juga karena keduanya sesama saintis, mereka berdua agak clumsy ketika berkomunikasi. Bagian akhirnya juga dramatis, dan itulah yang membuat mereka berdua dekat.

Aku pengin lanjut membaca buku keduanya, karena pasangan yang lucu dan menggemaskan ini. Tapi ketika aku membaca blurb buku keduanya, kok pasangan Saffron namanya beda? Trus ternyata Alexander sedang ada ekspedisi yang menyebabkan dia harus ke luar negeri. Tapi mereka masih surat-menyurat dan itu lucu banget dan sooo sweeet! Tapi kenapa kok harus ada karakter lain! Hih! Aku jadi kesel dan kecewa. Gimana ya, jadi belum sempat mau baca buku keduanya. Tapi masih kepingin baca yang setipe, jadi aku baca buku yang lain, bukan dari seri yang sama. Kayak: Scott-De Quincy Mysteries, atau High Society Lady Detective.

About the Author:

Kate KhavariKate Khavari is the author of fiction ranging from historical mysteries to high fantasy epics. She has her parents to thank for her fascination for historical mysteries, as she spent the majority of her childhood memorizing Sherlock Holmes’s and Poirot’s greatest quips. 

A former teacher, Kate has a deep appreciation for research and creativity, not to mention the multitasking ability she now relies on as an author and stay at home mom. She lives in the Dallas-Fort Worth area of Texas with her husband, children, and a lovely garden that contains absolutely no poisonous plants.


SaffronSaffron is a spice derived from the flower of Crocus sativus, commonly known as the "saffron crocus". The vivid crimson stigma and styles, called threads, are collected and dried for use mainly as a seasoning and coloring agent in food. The saffron crocus was slowly propagated throughout much of Eurasia and was later brought to parts of North Africa, North America, and Oceania. Saffron has a long history of use in traditional medicine. Saffron has also been used as a fabric dye, particularly in China and India, and in perfumery. It is used for religious purposes in India. (Wikipedia)
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